Every year for the past six years, Current Church has celebrated our birthday as a testament to God’s faithfulness and His continual working in this community. This year, we are going to be joined by over 20 visitors from the States, including some incredible speakers. God has provided this amazing opportunity for us to not only celebrate our 7th birthday, but to facilitate an environment for other churches in our area to be blessed by these powerful Bible teachers. There are two main purposes at the forefront as to WHY we are hosting this conference. One is helping Christians and churches understand the importance of biblical mission, leadership and structure. And the second is to LOVE HIS CHURCH, The Bride of Christ.

We hope you’ll join us for this FREE conference! Register HERE (Registrations close 21st February)

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact info@currentchurch.nz

WHAT is the STRONGER CHURCH Conference?

STRONGER Reach, Love, Homes & Leaders.
The STRONGER CHURCH Conference is for the purpose of providing teaching, encouragement and equipping for Christ followers/churches in fulfilling God’s mission in New Zealand and the world! While promoting UNITY as THE BRIDE OF CHRIST growing STRONGER TOGETHER. The topics/teaching are non-denominational and strictly from the BIBLE. This event is completely FREE!


The conference will take place on Friday 28 February and Saturday 1 March, 2025 at the Papamoa College Theatre – 151 Doncaster Drive, Papamoa. We will also be meeting on Sunday morning for our 7th Birthday Celebration which is open to anybody, but we understand that many who will attend the conference will have other commitments on a Sunday morning. See the full weekend schedule HERE!

WHO is the STRONGER CHURCH Conference for?

This FREE conference is for ANYONE & EVERYONE! It will provide lessons and activities for those from primary age to adults. A ‘Baby Zone’ area is available in the auditorium for parents with babies/toddlers. The teachings from this conference will have beneficial and practical takeaways for church leaders, laypeople, men, women & children. See more info on our Youth Gathering & Kids’ Conference!


Andrew was born in Rotorua and grew up in Bell Block, New Plymouth. He made his decision to follow Jesus at a young age and was blessed to be raised in the church. He helped serve at different camps around the country was program director at Peter Snell Youth Village on Whangaparaoa Peninsula as a teenager. He worked for World Vision New Zealand throughout his time at Auckland University. While still studying Andrew answered the call to ministry and become the youth pastor at Shore Community Christian Church. He has served in various ministry roles in youth ministry and missions in New Zealand and the United States. After serving 20 years in the church he now serves as the Field Services Director at IDES which oversees field workers working amongst unreached people groups in open in closed countries. ides.org

For forty years, Gary has served as the lead minister in two churches, the last thirty years at Indian Creek Christian Church (The Creek); Indianapolis, Indiana. He now serves as the executive director of e2: effective elders e2elders.org, a ministry that he co-founded in 2008. Gary has spoken to over 12,000 elders and church leaders in conferences across the country and around the world. After receiving his doctoral degree, Gary has taught as an adjunct professor for several colleges and seminaries. He is committed to equipping leaders, both in the United States and overseas, and has made over 100 short-term cross-cultural mission trips. He has co- authored thirteen books on elder training, and has written additional books on succession planning, personal finances, retirement, and heaven.

Adam comes to us via Alaska where he is the lead minister at Kenai Christian Church. He attended six different colleges and finally finished with a degree in Theatre (don’t tell his Elders) from Milligan College. Though his life has felt mostly disjointed and random, he has enjoyed pursuing God every step along the way realising that it was all preparation for the work he does today. Adam has been married to his wife, Karlene, for 28 years and has two amazing teenage boys, Jack and Bowe. Besides his family and ministry, Adam is a passionate abolitionist who actively fights against modern day slavery. For fun, Adam pretends he is still in his 20s by staying active in and coaching Brazilian jiujitsu. He is proof that not only does God have a sense of humour, but also that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes if you dare to truly follow Jesus. kenaichristianchurch.org

Rick is a native of Richmond, Virginia. After graduating from Milligan College, he served congregations in Kentucky and New York, and did chaplain work in the U.S. Air Force Reserves. Rick is currently the Senior Minister with his home congregation, Fairmount Christian Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia. fairmountcc.org He has been on staff at Fairmount since 1997; the Senior Minister there since 2006. Rick and his wife of 38 years, Betsy, have two adult children and two precious grandchildren.


TEMITOPE – CONFERENCE WORSHIP LEADER: Temitope, a singer/songwriter and worship leader hailing from Nashville, TN, brings a blend of cultural richness and spiritual depth to his music. Born into the Yorùbá tribe in Nigeria, his name, meaning “mine is thanks,” echoes a profound gratitude that is intricately woven into the fabric of his life and artistry. Growing up in a multicultural household with a Nigerian father and British mother who immigrated to the United States, TEMITOPE developed a profound appreciation for diversity, which became a guiding force in his musical journey. Rooted in a mission to foster unity in the Church, he serves as a worship leader, using the transformative power of music to lead congregations into the presence of God. TEMITOPE is honoured and humbled to partner with the STRONGER CHURCH CONFERENCE, CURRENT CHURCH and the amazing people of NEW ZEALAND!


Age 3 – Year 6

Join us for Kids’ Conference Friday night and all day Saturday! The kids will join us for worship during our main sessions before being dismissed to explore the stories of Jesus, Ruth and Paul. Be ready to play games and make crafts as we learn about what it means to be part of God’s Church. Kids are a super important part of building a STRONGER CHURCH so come hang out and grow STRONGER with us! Led by Bridge Christian Church, VA.


Years 7-13

Come along and bring your youth group on Friday night for a community-wide Youth Gathering led by Current Church & Bridge Christian Church, VA! Our Youth will participate in the main session worship before being dismissed for an exciting night of fun, games, and impactful lessons.

We are excited for Youth to also join us for our Saturday sessions. This conference will be applicable and transformative for all ages – from the main session teachings, to youth-focused breakout workshops (see below), and powerful worship led by TEMITOPE.


Our main sessions will be held on Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning. See the full schedule for the STRONGER CHURCH Conference HERE!


We are so excited to offer eleven different workshops brought to us by ten different presenters. These breakout sessions are going to be incredibly beneficial and insightful learning opportunities. See all the workshops we are offering and their details HERE.


We have an incredible group of speakers and presenters joining us for the STRONGER CHURCH Conference. See their full bios HERE to get an idea of the powerful teachings that we will be blessed by at this event.

Register For The STRONGER CHURCH Conference!

Registrations close 21st February